Download Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha For Android
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This is a public preview release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Wii emulator for Android. If you're expecting reasonable speeds out of this, you are sorely mistaken. This will run slow on every single Android device, no matter if it is the most powerful one in the world. Some caveats - It will crash.
Download Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha 0.14 APK Info :
Download Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha 0.14 APK For Android, APK File Named And APP Developer Company Is RC . Latest Android APK Vesion Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha Is Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha 0.14 Can Free Download APK Then Install On Android Phone.
Download Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha 0.14 APK Other Version
For Download Other Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha versions Visit Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha APK Archive.
Download Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha.apk android apk files version 0.14 Size is 11003435 md5 is 764b1ed7900a620763e969817b25e692 By RC This Version Need Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.1 - 4.0.2 API level 14, NDK 7 or higher, We Index Version From this file.Version code 14 equal Version 0.14 .You can Find More info by Search org.dolphinemu.dolphinpro On Google.If Your Search dolphinemu,dolphinpro,arcade,dolphin Will Find More like org.dolphinemu.dolphinpro,Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha 0.14 Downloaded 213079 Time And All Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha App Downloaded Time. THIS APP DOES NOT COME WITH ROMS- You must have the right to a given ROM before you play it!This is exactly the same as the non-pro version!If you like the idea of having a gamecube emulator on your Android device and want me to push out updates and features more quickly;Think about buying this version. This may be exactly the same as the non-pro version, aside from the shiny golden icon, but it helps the development process by giving the developers money to directly work on improving this emulator.This can help with:Getting developers the money needed to buy the latest devices to make sure it runs well.Incentive to help port it to new devices (Intel Bay Trail devices, iDevices?)Money needed to feed the developers so they don't starve to death while developing this.The time required to put in to such a project to make it as quick as possible.Usage guide ES 3 guide the official Dolphin emulator website at and receive support in our forums!This is the first OpenGL ES 3 application on the Android Market! The amount of devices that support OpenGL ES 3 is minimal at best. Hardware support will increase in the future as more phones come to market!This is a public preview release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Wii emulator for Android.If you're expecting reasonable speeds out of this, you are sorely mistaken. This will run slow on every single Android device, no matter if it is the most powerful one in the world.Some caveats- It will crash. Alot.- It might need to be force closed and ran multiple times to work.- It will run slowThis app is licensed by the GNU GPL v2, and the full source code is available through the public GIT repository at 0.14 (14)
Package: org.dolphinemu.dolphinpro
Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha 0.14 APK Download by RC
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In Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha 0.14
Alpha Version 0.14
- OpenGL 4.4 support (Tegra K1)
- OpenGL ES 3.1 support
- ARMv7 CPU Core improvements/regressions.
In Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha 0.14
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Dolphin Emulator Beta Apk
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Looking for this app Apk? 4AppsApk try to give the MOD or Latest Version of 'Dolphin Emulator (Alpha) v0.14 APK' for your Android Phone/Tablet device. This App belongs to the Android Apps category. To get the apk file for 'Dolphin Emulator (Alpha) v0.14 APK', choose and download it directly from the link below and then move the file to the SD card of your Android phone and use the file manager that you prefer to browse and install. To install the app, you'll need Android 4.0.3 or higher version.
Dolphin Emulator is the first emulator which was released to emulate commercial games on PCs, mobile devices and MACs. It was developed and released for the first time by Henrik Rydgård(ector) and F RES in 2003 and at its first release, Dolphin Emulator was a disastrous failure. In its first release, the emulator was aimed to run Nintendo based games but later, its support scope was expanded.
In 2004, the developers decided to discontinue this app by releasing the version 1.01 as its final version. Later in 2005 and in 2007, the developers decided to start working on the project once again and the version 1.03 was released in 2007 with minor improvements. As of now, Dolphin Emulator is the only emulator available to run Wii games. The platforms supported by this emulator are Windows, Linux, OS X and Android.
On July 13, 2008, developers of the emulator decided to release their code publicly and thus Dolphin Emulator became opensource. Its code was made public on Google Code. Until now, the Wii games were having only a minor support by the emulator as well as there was a basic support for the sound also.
Once made opensource, until 2009, the emulator was improved considerably. By 2009, it was capable of running Wii games with minor issues and bugs. The performance was also improved considerably and thus now the emulator was being used by a larger number of users around the globe for emulating Nintendo, GameCube, Triforce and Wii games. It was April 2010 when the version 2.0 of the emulator was released.
Until now, although the emulator’s performance was improved considerably but the issues related to sound were still there. Developers kept working hard and they fixed most issues related to sound until November 2010. Emulation speed was also increased considerably until this date. And then in June 2011, Dolphin Emulator was reached to its final stages of development with its release of version 3.0.
When version 3.0 was released, it was a great success. In this version, most bugs and crashes were fixed and the games (both Wii and Nintendo) were being emulated at great speeds with great accuracy along with this almost perfect sound. The developers behind the app worked to tweak the UI also so now the emulator was more user-friendly for new users also. Options panel and dialog boxes were customized to make them more user-friendly.
Until now, Dolphin Emulator wasn’t available on Android OS. It was April 2013, when the first builds of the emulator for Android OS were released. On Android platform, the performance of the emulator wasn’t that much good and it succeeded in emulating the games at a speed of only 1 Frame Per Second. Moreover, only a few brands were being supported by the emulator.
Although the emulator kept working on Android devices, but it never delivered superb emulating speeds nor it expanded its hardware support. Until now, it is supporting only those devices which are built using powerful hardware like Nvidia Tegra and similar. So to emulate Nintendo and Wii games on your Android powered tablet or the phone, you must ensure first that your device is running on a powerful processor else you may face multiple issues while emulating games.
To try emulating games and to see either Dolphin Emulator is working on your device or not, simply download its APK file. Install the app on your device and see if it succeeds in emulating your favorite Nintendo or Wii game or not.
Apk file Information:
App name: Dolphin Emulator (Alpha)

APK Version: 0.14
Download Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha For Android Free
File size: 10.48MB
Download Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha For Android Laptop
Dolphin Emulator (Alpha) v0.14 APK
- Download Dolphin Emulator (Alpha) v0.14 APK – 10.5mb
Try these Apps: is a direct download link to the most popular Android apps and games. This app has been published for test use. All applications and games are available only for home or personal use. 'Dolphin Emulator (Alpha) v0.14 APK' is the main developer, property and trademark and all rights reserved for developer. we try to give apk file here as it is there in the Google playstore without any alter.