Sekaiju No Meiq 4 Ost Raritan
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Sekaiju No Meiq 4 Ost Raritan Rating: 7,8/10 1581 votes
14 - Unrest - End of the Raging Waves - Arranged Version (FM Version) 15 - End of the Long Myth (FM Version) Yuzo Koshiro delivers another Etrian soundtrack that continues the trend of his hybridization of cinematic score styles and fantasy themes infused by contemporary rock and easy listening. For the three prior Etrian Odyssey (Sekaiju no MeiQ) games, Yuzo Koshiro would compose the soundtrack first in a retro sound source (FM synth, 8-bit emulated 'chiptune' hardware, etc), and then upgraded those tunes for a more modern synth sound to fit the DS. Soul calibur iii jpn isotopes.
by Yuzo Koshiro
Sekaiju Type Chart
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Sekaiju No Meiq 4 Ost Raritan Nj
In an surprising departure from the series norm, the latest installment of the Etrian Odyssey series features some gorgeous orchestral and ensemble work with the help of series arranger Norihiko Hibino and Shenmue composer Takeshi Yanegawa, as opposed to the typical FM-synth style, with some light rock and rhythm work infused in the battle tracks. It's mostly light, relaxing, lounge-inspired stuff. Give it a try.
EDIT: Better link with zip download.