Wow No File
Download file File size: 38 Byte Author srbija-wow: File download starts in 60 seconds. Download speed: is limited Estimated download time 1 minute: Attention, all files are uploaded by Yep.Com users independently.Yep.Com doesn't carry any responsibility for this content. Files can contain viruses. Im having trouble finding my file. I searched all over for it in the WoW file but have no idea where it is. I checked in World of Warcraft-Data-enUS but theres just a couple links to like billing information and something else.
Since im seeing allot of people with wrong files i decided to make this post.What is ?
This is the file that directs the client to the login server. So to speak .. it tells wow where it need to connect and to what server.
Where to find ?
The file is found in: X:World of warcraftDataenGB
X = Drive you installed the game in
World of warcraft = The install directory

Data = The sub directory called Data
enGB = The language of the install
For cataclysm the file is in your root directory.
X:World of warcraft
How do i open it?

What does the file look like?
set realmlist
set patchlist
set realmlistbn '
set portal 'eu'
set realmlist = points to the login server
set patchlist = points to the patch server
Retro Wow Realmlist
set realmlistbin = points to the patch and login servers shareing state
set portal = points to the community (in my case europe)
How should it look like for Warmane ?
Wow Realmlist File
For wotlk:
Set realmlist

For cata/mop:
set realmlist
set patchlist
By deleting all but the set realmlist the game cannot autopatch and cannot register itself with the shares of blizzard. In fact the whole game doesnt point to blizzard anymore.
Before alternating the realmlist file .. MAKE SURE you make a backup of the original file
Example: Make a hard copy of it (windows copy/paste) and rename the file (F2) to for example ((original)
I so hope this little guide will help allot of players and prevents them from another 6 hours of installments.
They are in your WoW folder, in the Interface section/data.
What is the original realmlist wtf contents?
if its US its : Set Realmlist: if its EU its : Set Realmlist:
Admins world realmlist?
How you change realmlist back to normal wow?
Open up realmlist Set Realmlist save, good to go
When is World of Warcrafts birthday?
According to achievement logs, it would be the 22nd of November, 2004.
How do you find your wow realmlist?
To find the realmlist go to the DataenUS directory in your world of warcraft folder and click on the file. That is where the realmlist is at, although modifying this without knowing what you are doing can be bad. There really is no reason to touch this file without being told so by a Blizzard tech support person.
How do you change from a private wow sever to a regular wow sever?
You need to open up your realmlist in your world of warcraft folder and replace all the information to 'set realmlist' save it and then restart wow.
When does world of Warcrafts patch 5.0.4?
The 5.0.4 patch for World of Warcraft hit the live servers on Tuesday, August 28th, 2012.
What is the wow realmlist?
It differs depending on which continent you are playing on. For instance, In Europe the realmlist would be: '' And in US: ''
What is the realmlist for wow?
The realmlist is a text document in the game folder than contains the information necessary for the game to contact the servers.
What is the realmlist of retail wow?
For the US client it is: set realmlist set patchlist set realmlistbn ' set portal us For the EU client it is: set realmlist set patchlist set realmlistbn ' set portal eu
What is the retail wow realmlist?
set realmlist set patchlist set realmlistbn ' set portal eu Change all eu with us if you have American version
What is the realmlist for retail?
set realmlist set patchlist set realmlistbn ' set portal us Just copy and paste that whole thing into your file.
What is the realmlist for extreme blitz wow?
What is the realmlist for imperium wow?
How do you set your Eternion-WoW Realm list?
Edit your file to be setrealmlist <whatever the realmlist is> Can't remember the Eternion WoW realmlist off by heart sorry. Look on the website - they tell you.