Block Google Chrome Install Windows 7

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Active8 years, 1 month ago
  1. Installing Chrome On Windows 7
  2. Install Chrome For Windows 7
  3. Google Chrome Install For Windows 7

Google chrome popup blocker free download - Google Chrome, Google Chrome (64-bit), Google Chrome Canary, and many more programs. Google chrome free download windows 7, google chrome.

I'ved edited the Host file in an effort to block users from installing chrome with no luck.


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3 Answers

You can't.

The short of the matter is if a user is allowed to run executable code (i.e., launch programs) and can move data to the target system (flash drive, CD, email, websites, shared network drives, etc.), then they can run any program they wish within their security restrictions. Since there's no real way to create a security restriction that would hit chrome without hitting every other webbrowser (IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc.), you cannot effectively do what you're asking.

You can try a number of tricks to inhibit the installation, but they are all easily circumvented.

Darth AndroidDarth Android

Installing Chrome On Windows 7

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Lot of things you can do, none are foolproof.

  1. blacklist chome.exe, or its hashes (downside is you have to update all the hashes, and they can change the name.
  2. whitelist application that can run by hash/name (downside is its hard and long, and overly restrictive)
  3. dont allow any .exe files to be downloaded (curcumvent with flash drive)
  4. Also, see here

In short, this is really a generic 'how do I stop x from running', but I cant seem to find any of those on superuser.

Install Chrome For Windows 7

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To restrict from installing software in your laptop click on the start menu, select search and in the space provided type “gpedit.msc”then click the search button. This opens the group policy editor. then go to computer configurations and then click on administrative templates. Divertimento bartok pdf creator download. Here select windows component and then browse to windows installer components. Double click on “disable windows installer”.from here you can make changes in the configuration and give rights to users.
Or install “software block”a software that allow administrator to set password for installing new software.

Or take a look on this Link.

Block Google Chrome Install Windows 7

Google Chrome Install For Windows 7

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